
Test from God

I think that the greatest test from God that I have ever faced was my stroke. I don't view it as something negative, but a positive, because through the hard times shortly after the stroke, I came back to God. I continue to walk with Him each and every day through my devotion time. That is a very precious time for me. I constantly to go through struggles every day, but with God by my side, I can endure and make it through each day. I have had several tests from God, as I am sure, we all have, but this is my greatest test.

There are so many things in my life that I must change now, before it is too late. I am also interested in a lot of "extra" things and that takes away from my time with the Lord, also. How do we know what we should keep and what we should give up? How do we know that something we are interested in will lead to a ministry? Oh, there is sooo much to pray about! There is so much in my life to ask for forgiveness. There are so many things to stop and ask myself "Is this for God?" You are right, Rocky. We have to be ready for an incredible journey!

God Bless You all! With God's love and protection, I wish you all happy dreams until tomorrow.

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