
What drives my life? I can honestly say that I try to please everyone. Whether it is at work or at home, I want to make everyone happy. The truth is, you can't make everyone happy all of the time, and I know this but still keep on trying. It is time that I find the purpose that God has intended for my life.

The hardest point for me to grasp is that we should not work hard to be remembered, we should prepare for our eternity. How do we do that? By teaching Sunday school? Having a ministry, such as Alpha? Being a good media specialist? I have to look at my relationship with Jesus Christ and make sure that I have a personal relationship with Him. Sometimes this seems so difficult to do! When I am feeling really down or really angry, it is hard to stay focused on God and give Him thanks, but that is what I know I have to do. God is the reason I am here, and I have to thank Him and praise Him every day for it.

The second thing that I think Rick Warren is telling me is I have to use my talents, gifts, relationships etc. for the purposes that God has for me. Stop being selfish! Stop spending money on so many frivolous things!

I have a lot to learn and a lot to pray about. God Bless You all!